Released in either 1996 or 1998 by Toy Biz, this 5-inch Firestar figure is likely the first toy representing the mutant heroine from the early 1980’s Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends animated TV series. The figure was evidently a prize for a contest held through the now-defunct Wizard Magazine.
Recreating the character’s TV look, the figure’s articulation consists of 360-degree rotation of the arms, and the ability to move the arms and legs back and forth. However, due to her molded hair, Firestar’s head doesn’t turn. Small silver screws seen on its shoulder, elbow, and knee joints add some extra bending flexibility. When positioned straight, the figure will stand for display poses.
Re: Angelica “Firestar” Jones, this sturdy figure makes a solid compromise between the small 3.75-inch Marvel figures and the standard 6-inch Marvel Legends. Her paint job (including the flame-accented gloves and boots) is undemanding but effective. Short of the excellent 2021 Marvel Legends Firestar (in her original costume, no less), this Toy Biz version is the next best thing for her fans. At the very least, this first Firestar figure retains a nostalgic charm beyond its Happy Meal toy look.
Note: Firestar, again in her original costume, has been released in 3.75 inch form with Spider-Man & Iceman in a Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends three-pack.
Unknown. Firestar’s feet have large peg holes, but there isn’t any indication that the figure came with a display base.
When purchased via auction, the figure came only in a sealed transparent plastic baggie. Otherwise, whatever packaging Toy Biz may have included is unknown.