Released in the U.S. on March 17, 2019, this animated episode depicts teenage Kara Danvers/Supergirl begrudgingly help her high school classmate, purpled-haired sorceress Zatanna “Zee” Zatara, by supervising her two magical white bunnies for an hour. While Zee is busily entertaining a child’s birthday party at a Metropolis/Midtown public park, Kara is coaxed by the two adorable bunnies she has dubbed ‘Merlin’ and ‘Harry Houdini’ into breaking Zee’s primary rule: don’t let the bunnies make contact.
As a bewildered Girl of Steel soon finds out, the little rabbits are really a ‘he’ and a ‘she’ rather than brothers. In a matter of seconds, the city is overrun by magically-reproducing bunnies constantly adding more to their brood. It’s up to Supergirl and Zatanna to separate the two elusive love-bunnies to quell this ‘rabbit season’ chaos.
Note: Curiously, this Supergirl’s tomboyish personality and husky build resemble her DC counter-part: Power Girl.
Nicole Sullivan as Kara Danvers/Supergirl
Karl Wahlgreen as Zatanna “Zee” Zatara & Timmy
Keith Ferguson as Jeremiah Danvers
For anyone familiar with “The Trouble With Tribbles” from Star Trek: The Original Series, then this frenetic cliché-fest should be déjà vu. Sporting a deliberately chintzy TV cartoon style, the episode’s okay visuals falls short of even the underwhelming DC Super-Hero Girls direct-to-DVD films.
At least, this episode’s good-natured kiddie humor is attuned to the ages 7-and-under crowd. Giving the episode time to progress, a cheesy gag near the end should remind viewers of Ghostbusters’ giant Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. Another joke is more inspired: Supergirl’s instant resentment at being mistaken by youngsters as another ordinary Superman groupie because of her costume.
To its credit, the goofy ‘Betty & Veronica’ style of chemistry rolling between Nicole Sullivan’s Kara and Kari Wahlgren’s Zee doesn’t push any inappropriate teen-oriented humor, as Teen Titans Go! has a propensity to do. While eye-rolling parents may find the episode ridiculous, the good news is that this harmless fluff should keep the youngest DC fans suitably entertained for about ten minutes.