Released in 1998 by Toy Biz, this approximately 5-inch Banshee figure is likely the first to represent the character in his classic X-Men uniform.
Shown mid-sonic wail, the figure’s black-and-yellow striped, two-piece fabric cloak is firmly attached in three places on both sides: above his side waist, his back forearms, and behind his knees. As such, the character’s appearance and Irish heritage are faithfully rendered. The figure’s articulation consists of: 1. His head swivels a full 360-degrees. 2. Restricted by his cloak, his arms have limited mobility. 3. His clenched fists bend at the wrists. 4. The figure bends and slightly swivels at the waist. 5. Benefited by solid knee and ankle joints, his legs are remarkably spry. 6. If positioned straight, the figure stands for display poses. Yet, his right foot is oddly bent for some reason, with its peg hole up front instead in the heel.
Though it doesn’t resemble the production quality of a contemporary Marvel Legend, this sturdy figure is still pretty good (including a spot-on paint job). For fans of Banshee wearing his familiar costume, this figure makes a nice display.
The bottom of the figure’s boots have peg holes, but there isn’t any indication that the figure came with a display stand.
When purchased via auction, this loose figure came only in a sealed transparent plastic baggie. Otherwise, whatever packaging Toy Biz may have included is unknown.