Directed by Shaunt Nigoghossian, this episode first aired in the U.S. on May 31, 2018. Conjuring up a new prank, Mr. Mxyzptlk exploits Uncle Dudley’s hurt feelings when young Billy Batson asks him to refrain from joining Shazam’s crime-fighting. Posing as Shazam’s Wizard, Mxyzptlk transforms a naïve Dudley into the all-powerful ‘Captain Bamboozle.’ Overplaying his new super-hero role, Dudley may still be the League’s best hope containing a downtown crisis that Mxyzptlk has unleashed.
Dudley H. Dudley / Captain Bamboozle: John Astin
Shazam / Billy Batson: Sean Astin
Wonder Woman: Rachel Kimsey
Mr. Mxyzptlk / fake Wizard: Gilbert Gottfried
Batman: Kevin Conroy
Red Tornado: No Vocals
Felix Faust: Jon Cryer
Note: For whatever reason, data re: official episode numbers and original air dates for this series vary depending upon its source, so such info should really be taken as a best guess.
Several major elements stand out in this well-played caper. First, the inspired pairing of father-and-son John Astin and Sean Astin as Uncle Dudley and Shazam/Billy merits kudos — the Astins simply nailed it. Second, restoring Dudley’s befuddled ‘Uncle Marvel’ persona (even under the new alias of Captain Bamboozle) is terrific comedy, particularly since John Astin sells the character so well.
There’s also the presence of Gilbert Gottfried’s improved Mxyzptlk, which isn’t quite as ear-grating as his previous appearance. This episode’s writing smartly finds a way for the obnoxious Fifth Dimension imp to harass other Justice Leaguers besides Superman. Lastly, utilizing Mxyzptlk and Felix Faust together is a great idea — perhaps DC Comics will see fit to give them an actual team-up bedeviling the League.
The usually chintzy animation, which gives Justice League Action its distinctive web series-like look, is kicked up a notch here. Considering this episode’s target audience is for ages 10-and-under, there is also poignant humor for nostalgic adults to appreciate in this delightfully silly Justice League adventure.
Note: This episode is on the Justice League Action: Battles from Beyond! 2-disc DVD set (which collects the series’ second half).