Directed by Doug Murphy, this episode first aired in the U.S. on October 7, 2017. One by one, the world’s greatest minds: Lex Luthor, the Brain, the Calculator, Mr. Terrific, and Batman are abducted by a robot into apparently another dimension. Forced to compete against one another in the so-called “Brain Games,” their mysterious captor intends to determine, by process of TV reality show-style elimination, which one is the smartest (and most resourceful) of all. Yet, the grand prize may prove far more dangerous than any of them could imagine.
Batman: Kevin Conroy
Michael Holt / Mr. Terrific: Hannibal Buress
Lex Luthor: James Woods
Calculator: Ely Henry
Brain: Jim Ward
Mr. Mind: Oliver Vaquer
Robot: Uncredited (possibly Oliver Vaquer)
Note: For whatever reason, data re: official episode numbers and original air dates for this series vary depending upon its source, so such info should really be taken as a best guess.
In terms of originality and its visual backdrop, this episode deserves high marks. Including an improved effort from Ely Henry’s Calculator, the voice cast is perfect egging on their various character rivalries.
Perhaps the script’s only unsatisfying element is not revealing how the true culprit discovered or created the “Brain Games” playground. For that matter, one can only presume that the characters will rely on the henchman robot to return home afterwards. Overcoming its chintzy animation, the ingenious storyline for “The Brain Buster” merits among Justice League Action’s better adventures.
Note: This episode is on the Justice League Action: Battles from Beyond! 2-disc DVD set (which collects the series’ second half).