Directed by Doug Murphy, this episode first aired in the U.S. on July 15, 2017. The Justice League sabotages Darkseid’s latest deep-space invasion, but Superman is captured. After uneasily delivering his latest fare (a Mr. D. Seed) to a secret Apokolipian base, Space Cabbie realizes that he needs the League’s help fast.
While Darkseid and DeSaad try forcibly interrogating a weakened Man of Steel, Space Cabbie picks up another questionable fare. It’s readily apparent that Space Cabbie is going to have to ditch Darkseid’s stooge, Kanto, before his new passenger ditches him … permanently.
Space Cabbie: Patton Oswalt
Darkseid: Jonathan Adams
Superman / DeSaad: Jason J. Lewis
Swamp Thing: Mark Hamill
Wonder Woman: Rachel Kimsey
Roxie Rocket: Gillian Jacobs
Hawkman / Kanto: Troy Baker
Atom: Jerry O’Connell
Note: For whatever reason, data re: official episode numbers and original air dates for this series vary depending upon its source, so such info should really be taken as a best guess.
Sporting some terrific plot twists, this intergalactic sitcom is hilarious. While Mark Hamill scores his best Swamp Thing vocal performance, the episode’s MVP goes to Patton Oswalt for making the most of Space Cabbie’s comedic potential. Impressively, the finely-tuned script nails every target, as even Roxie Rocket’s sub-plot gets an amusing wrap-up.
The chintzy animation, which gives Justice League Action its distinctive web series-like look, corresponds remarkably well with this comic book-worthy script. Considering the target audience extends far past the age 10-and-under crowd, even adult fans should get some laughs out of this high-caliber Justice League romp.
Note: This episode is on the Justice League Action: Battles from Beyond! 2-disc DVD set (which collects the series’ second half).