Released in Hasbro’s 2018 “Build-A-Cull Obsidian” Marvel Legends series, this approximately 6-inch Hope Van Dyne’s Wasp (in actress Evangeline Lilly’s likeness) celebrates the live-action Ant-Man and The Wasp film released the same year. Sporting her metallic gold, blue, and red costume with silver wristbands, Marvel’s Wasp also wears a silver helmet with antennas and yellow plastic safety goggles.
On her back, she can wear a detachable silver hard plastic wing-pack with four clear plastic scissor-like wings that are individually attachable. Her immaculate costume is completely painted on, including the sculpted (and non-removable) wristbands & knee pads, as well as the silver shoulder straps for the wing-pack.
Note: The other figures in this particular series are: Thor; Black Widow (blonde); Ant-Man; Malekith; and the Black Knight.
The sculpted look of this Hope Van Dyne / Wasp figure is superb, including a flawless paint job. Sporting a detailed metallic helmet, her eyes and eyebrows are easily visible through the helmet’s googles. The alternate head (an unmasked Hope Van Dyne) is also top-caliber. The wing-pack is easily workable, as are the four wings.
The articulation points include: 1. The head nods and turns slightly in both directions. 2. Slightly bending at the frail elbow joints, her arms can rotate a full 360-degrees. 3. The wrists have full rotation capability. 4. Her upper torso swivels the full 360-degrees swivel. 5. The Wasp can slightly bend into a bowing pose. 5. The knee joints are surprisingly limber. 6. The legs provide excellent flexibility. 7. When properly positioned, the figure can stand indefinitely in display poses. For playtime, the sky’s the limit, so to speak re: flying poses. Her boot heels include peg holes for display stands she will fit on, though none are included.
In terms of her articulation points, this figure enjoys the advantage of being both a display item and a solid play toy (though her tiny elbow joints might be a future problem). As a welcome addition to any super-hero collection, this Marvel’s Wasp is a wonderful homage to actress Evangeline Lilly as Hope Van Dyne’s Wasp.
Included are a matching extra set of two slender gloved hands; a variant of Hope’s silver wing-pack; and an unmasked alternate head featuring an excellent likeness of Evangeline Lilly. It’s a shame that the Wasp’s wrist-firing “stingers” couldn’t have been thrown in as an extra. The Build-A-Cull Obsidian piece is his head.
Hasbro does an excellent job promoting the Wasp in its nicely-secured box.