In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, this children’s cartoon series ran for fifty-two episodes over three seasons (2003-2007). For its time, the program utilized 3D CGI animation graphics in its depiction of the anthropomorphic world of Piggley Winks – both in the present-day and mid-1950’s. This second-season episode initially aired on September 12, 2004.
In the present-day, Grandpa (aka Piggley Winks) (Lamb) lives with his grown daughter and three small children. His young granddaughter, Meg (or Meggy) (Disney/Dean), complains why their house has one set of rules while her friend’s family has their own. In this instance, it’s the issue of why she can only have one candied apple while her friend can enjoy as many as she wants.
Grandpa relates a tale of her young Aunt Molly’s lesson learned long ago in caring for a toddler lamb. As children growing up in mid-1950’s rural Ireland, Piggley (Flanagan) is eight years old and little sister Molly is five years old. Piggley and Molly live on Raloo Farm in the village of Tara.
Given responsibility by her parents (Taylor & Adler) of this young lamb, Molly (Strong) finds her lamb’s attention-seeking antics are increasingly exhausting. More so, the lamb’s cuteness and supposed remorse keeps baiting Molly into various mishaps. The situation comes to a head when Molly’s bored lamb causes chaos at the schoolhouse. Meanwhile, back at Raloo Farm, Wiley the Sheep (Brooks) tries to take advantage of the situation.
As Molly learns, rules are made for a reason, and that such rules must be obeyed by all (including uncooperative little lambs). Meg, in the present-day, understands Grandpa’s advice that good intentions go along with such rules.
Voice Cast:
Piggley Winks (young): Maile Flanagan
Piggley Winks (Grandpa): Peadar Lamb
Pádraig/Patrick Winks & Mr. Hornsby: Charlie Adler
Molly Winks & Dannan Mallard: Tara Strong
Elly Winks & Fernando “Ferny” Toro: Russi Taylor
Meg: Melissa Disney (U.S.) / Julie-Ann Dean (U.K.)
Wiley the Sheep: Mel Brooks
Gossie: Candi Milo
Lamby: Uncredited.
Notes: Young Piggley plays a minor role in this episode, as it’s centered around Molly. Including this episode, a compilation DVD was subsequently released in 2006. The compilation’s other three episodes are: Season 2’s Waking Thor; Season 1’s Donkeys Into Racehorses; and Season 1’s Sheep on The Loose (which appears as the compilation DVD’s title). Slightly different versions of these episodes exist – per the series policy of using American voice actors for the present-day sequences for its U.S. audience only.
Twenty years later, the program’s storytelling retains its undemanding charm – it’s a welcome supplement for those fans who enjoy the unrelated Shaun The Sheep. The 3D CGI animation, suffice to say, holds up much better than the show’s opening credits (which resembles a kiddie computer game).
Keeping in mind the target audience, this average Jakers! caper is a cheerful treat for toddlers.