Released by Hasbro in 2022, from the “Infinity Ultron” Build-A-Figure series, this 6-inch+ figure recreates actress Tatiana Maslany’s She-Hulk from the same-named Disney+ television series. In a shade of pale green, the figure is a faithful likeness of Maslany’s take on Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk in her purple-black-and-white workout outfit.
Given how the quality of the facial likeness may vary, this She-Hulk, otherwise, is above-average. The caveat being that the figure is for display only. Specifically, her various limbs and joints have relatively limited mobility. Case in point: her ankle joints are seemingly the most limber, as opposed to her potentially frail elbows (which still bend well) and wrists. Hence, one is left with few choices re: display poses. The consolation is that the figure can indefinitely stand without a display base.
In terms of its overall production quality, this She-Hulk’s frame is sturdily built and possesses a high-caliber paint job. Though impractical as a kid’s toy, Tatiana Maslany’s She-Hulk proves a welcome addition to Marvel Legends’ roster of live-action homages.
Included are two alternate hands shaped as fists. The Build-A-Figure limb is Infinity Ultron’s left leg (Part # 3 of 6). Though this She-Hulk figure has foot peg holes, a display base is not included.
An appreciated upside is the clear plastic shield revealing the figure’s overall quality. Inside its box, the figure is well-protected yet still easy enough to extract from its plastic casing. Celebrating Marvel’s recent live-action spin-offs, the other five figures in this Marvel Legends Build-A-Figure series are identified.
Along with each numbered part of Ultron that figure is assigned, the other figures are: Oscar Isaac’s Moon Knight (plus his white business suit variant); Iman Vellani’s Ms. Marvel; Hailey Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop; Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye; and Emily VanCamp’s Sharon Carter.