In the United States (on PBS), the United Kingdom, and Australia, this children’s cartoon series ran for fifty-two episodes over three seasons (2003-2007). For its time, the program utilized state-of-art 3D CGI animation graphics in its depiction of the anthropomorphic world of Piggley Winks – both in the present-day and mid-1950’s. This first-season episode initially aired on March 21, 2004.
In the present-day, Grandpa (aka Piggley Winks) (Lamb) lives with his grown daughter and three small children. He bemusedly observes his two grandsons, Seamus and Sean (Futterman / Darling), playing with a remote-control car. Recognizing their inexperience, Grandpa subsequently relates a tale from his own youth. As he is growing up in mid-1950’s rural Ireland, Piggley (Flanagan) is approximately eight years old. Young Piggley’s family lives on Raloo Farm in the village of Tara.
Entrusted by his parents (Taylor & Adler) to supervise the family’s sheep herd, rookie sheepherder Piggley Winks’ overenthusiasm for the job soon prompts Wiley the Sheep (Brooks) to run away. It’s then up to Piggley, with help from his friends Dannan the Mallard Duck (Strong), Ferny the Bull (Taylor), and his little sister, Molly (Strong), to track down the ‘fugitive’ Wiley. Piggley is determined to take responsibility for Wiley’s rebelliousness, and, in the process, he understands why Wiley fled. More so, Piggley’s parents allow their son to learn from his own initiative.
Seamus and Sean, in the present-day, understand Grandpa’s message to practice more to better enjoy their shared toy.
Voice Cast:
Piggley Winks (young): Maile Flanagan
Piggley Winks (Grandpa): Peadar Lamb
Pádraig/Patrick Winks & Mr. Hornsby: Charlie Adler
Molly Winks & Dannan Mallard: Tara Strong
Elly Winks & Fernando “Ferny” Toro: Russi Taylor
Seamus & Sean: Nika Futterman (U.S.) / Maria Darling (U.K.)
Wiley the Sheep: Mel Brooks.
Notes: Entitled the same as this episode, a compilation DVD was released in 2006. The compilation’s other three episodes consist of: Season 2’s Waking Thor; Season 1’s Donkeys Into Racehorses; and Season 2’s Molly Had a Little Lamb. Also, slightly different versions of these episodes exist – per the series’ policy, American voice actors are used for Grandpa’s family in the present-day sequences for the U.S. audience only.
Twenty years later, the program’s storytelling retains its undemanding and innocent charm. Hence, it’s a welcome attraction to those fans who enjoy the unrelated Shaun The Sheep. Though the 3D CGI animation predictably appears dated, Jakers!’ visuals are still superior to that of its opening credits. The show’s opening credits, suffice to say, resemble kiddie interactive computer games of that era.
Keeping in mind the target audience, this average Piggley predicament offers a cute treat for preschoolers.