In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, this children’s cartoon series ran for fifty-two episodes over three seasons (2003-2007). For its time, the program utilized 3D CGI animation graphics in its depiction of the anthropomorphic world of Piggley Winks – both in the present-day and mid-1950’s. This first-season episode initially aired on February 29, 2004.
In the present-day, Grandpa (aka Piggley Winks) (Lamb) lives with his grown daughter and three small children. His young grandsons: Sean and Seamus (Futterman/Darling) come to him to display their different artistic talents. One is a better artist while the other is evidently a better writer than artist.
To encourage them to accept and share their natural gifts, Grandpa subsequently relates a tale from his own youth. As he is growing up in mid-1950’s rural Ireland, Piggley (Flanagan) is eight years old. Young Piggley lives on Raloo Farm in the village of Tara.
At school, teacher Mr. Hornsby (Adler) assigns his students to interpret a timeless Irish proverb that one can’t make a donkey into a racehorse. Accepting it as a challenge, Piggley (Flanagan) attempts to transform the beloved Winks family donkey, Flanagan, into a racing steed – no matter how futile the task seems. Piggley gets helpful, if not skeptical, support from his friends: Ferny the Bull (Taylor) and Dannan the Mallard Duck (Strong). The end result convinces Piggley that Flannagan’s true talents should be accepted for what they are.
Meanwhile, Wiley the Sheep (Brooks) pilfers Flanagan’s energy-boosting oats for Raloo Farm’s own lackadaisical flock of sheep. The sheep subsequently enjoy a spirited yet short-lived round of adrenaline-fueled fun. A subsequent mishap finds Wiley in need of Piggley and Flanagan’s help for a rescue.
Seamus and Sean, in the present-day, understand Grandpa’s advice to help each other develop their artistic skills.
Voice Cast:
Piggley Winks (young): Maile Flanagan
Piggley Winks (Grandpa): Peadar Lamb
Pádraig/Patrick Winks & Mr. Hornsby: Charlie Adler
Dannan Mallard: Tara Strong
Don Toro: Fernando Escanadon
Elly Winks & Fernando “Ferny” Toro: Russi Taylor
Seamus & Sean: Nika Futterman (U.S.) / Maria Darling (U.K.)
Gossie the Turtle: Candi Milo
Wiley the Sheep: Mel Brooks.
Notes: Including this episode, a compilation DVD was subsequently released in 2006. The compilation’s other three episodes are: Season 1’s Sheep on The Loose (the compilation’s title); Season 2’s Molly Had a Little Lamb; and Season 2’s Waking Thor. Slightly different versions of these episodes exist – per the series policy of using American voice actors for the present-day sequences for its U.S. audience.
Twenty years later, the program’s storytelling retains its undemanding charm – it’s a welcome supplement for those fans who enjoy the unrelated Shaun The Sheep. The show’s 3D CGI animation holds up well; by comparison, the opening credits frankly resemble that of a kiddie computer game.
Keeping in mind the target audience, this amusing Piggley caper (with its morsels of wisdom) is a delightful sitcom treat for toddlers and parents alike.