In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, this children’s cartoon series ran for fifty-two episodes over three seasons (2003-2007). For its time, the program utilized 3D CGI animation graphics in its depiction of the anthropomorphic world of Piggley Winks – both in the present-day and mid-1950’s. This second-season episode initially aired on October 31, 2004.
In the present-day, Grandpa (aka Piggley Winks) (Lamb) lives with his grown daughter and her three small children. Just before bedtime, brothers Seamus and Sean (Futterman/Darling), are unable to find a missing toy: Captain Cyclops. With Seamus despondent that he won’t be able to sleep without his action figure’s ‘protection,’ Grandpa senses the older Sean’s empathy is imperative. Grandpa then relates a story from his own youth. As he is growing up in mid-1950’s rural Ireland, Piggley (Flanagan) is eight years old. Young Piggley lives on Raloo Farm in the village of Tara.
Piggley and Dannan (Strong) find out that their friend Ferny’s (Taylor) beloved goldfish, Thor, has passed. Thinking that distracting Ferny is the best medicine to ease his loss, Piggley and Dannan work hard to console a devastated Ferny. At best, it temporarily works until Ferny is reminded of Thor’s demise again and again. Meanwhile, back on Waloo Farm, Wiley the Sheep (Brooks) coaxes his pal Bernie (Uncredited) into playing tennis, sheep-style, for some needed exercise. Wiley soon regrets that impulse.
After consulting Ferny’s widowed father (Escanadon) and Piggley’s own dad (Adler), a decision is finally made to hold a traditional Irish wake for Thor. Surrounded by his father, his schoolmates, and Tara’s other residents, a despondent Ferny realizes remembering his goldfish for the good times they had matters more than holding on to grief.
In the present-day, Grandpa’s message motivates his grandsons to find Captain Cyclops together in the few minutes they still have before bedtime.
Voice Cast:
Piggley Winks (young): Maile Flanagan
Piggley Winks (Grandpa): Peadar Lamb
Pádraig/Patrick Winks & Mr. Hornsby: Charlie Adler
Molly Winks & Dannan Mallard: Tara Strong
Elly Winks & Fernando “Ferny” Toro: Russi Taylor
Don Toro: Fernando Escanadon
Hector MacBadger: Pamela Adlon
Millie Pelly: Kath Soucie
Gossie: Candi Milo
Seamus & Sean: Nika Futterman (U.S.) / Maria Darling (U.K.)
Bernie the Sheep: Uncredited
Wiley the Sheep: Mel Brooks.
Notes: Including this episode, a compilation DVD was subsequently released in 2006. The compilation’s three other episodes are: Season 1’s Sheep on The Loose (the compilation’s title); Season 1’s Donkeys Into Racehorses; and Season 2’s Molly Had a Little Lamb. Slightly different versions of these episodes exist – per the series policy of using American voice actors for the present-day sequences for its U.S. audience only.
Twenty years later, the program’s storytelling retains its undemanding charm – it’s a welcome supplement for those fans who enjoy the unrelated Shaun The Sheep. The 3D CGI animation still holds up well – case in point: the sunset background visuals of Thor’s funeral voyage off into the pond are beautifully rendered. As for the story, it’s alternately poignant and amusing in reiterating a timeless moral to viewers.
Keeping in mind the target audience, this Jakers! tale serves up a thoughtful treat for both toddlers and preschoolers.