Released through Marvel in 2007 for Image Comics “Legendary Super-Heroes” action figure line, this 7-inch Savage Dragon likely represents the character’s first incarnation as a toy.
Its articulation points include: 1. The head nods and can swivel a full 360-degree rotation. 2. Despite not bending at the elbows, the arms can rotate a full 360-degrees and fully extend outwardly. 3. The wrists can also do a full 360-degree swivel. 4. All five fingers on both hands have remarkable flexibility. 5. His upper body can turn a full 360-degree swivel and can bend slightly backwards and forwards at the torso. 6. The legs and lower body can also swivel a full 360-degrees. 7. The knees bend, as do the upper portion of his shoes. 8. When properly positioned, the figure can indefinitely stand for display poses. The bottom of his feet include display base peg holes, though a base isn’t included for the figure.
Note: This figure’s subsequent version adds a white, tank-top t-shirt (otherwise known as the Savage Dragon II figure).
Sporting a spot-on paint job (even the green eyes are well-done), this remarkable figure even has Savage Dragon’s black chest and arm hair faithfully recreated. His trademark head fin is also sturdily constructed. Yet, the figure has two distinguishing flaws. First, as the elbow joints don’t bend, posing action re: his rigid arms is quite limited. The other weak spot are his knee joints, as they seem the most likely to accidently break. Otherwise, this Savage Dragon’s manufacturing rates with the caliber as the Marvel Legends of that era.
No props are included. As part of the 1-of 6 “Build-Your-Own-Pitt” figure, Savage Dragon comes with its left leg component.
On Image Comics’ behalf, Marvel does an excellent job promoting the figure in its nicely-manufactured box.