Published by DC Comics & Marvel Comics’ Amalgam Comics cross-over for April 1996, this standard-length one-shot is entitled “Final Thrust.”
Sporting adamantium bracelets, Diana Prince and her trigger-happy ex: Trevor Castle (Steve Trevor + the Punisher = a blond Punisher), must rescue their abducted young son, Ryan. A showdown with The Hand terrorist group puts them into contact with an amalgamated Monarch. The estranged ex-spouses storm Apokolips where a vengeful Big Titania (Big Barda + Titania) and the Female Furies await them at Granny Harkness’ dreaded orphanage. Even worse is the threat of Thanoseid (Thanos + Darkseid), who has lured Diana for an ulterior purpose.
Note: This Diana Prince isn’t much of an amalgam – she is nearly identical to Diana during Artemis’ storyline arc as the new Wonder Woman. Instead, Diana’s Wonder Woman persona is assigned to the X-Men’s Storm for other Amalgam titles.
Boosted by excellent visuals (i.e. Gary Frank’s top-caliber penciling), this Amalgam tale surpasses its doubtful premise. Coherently devising a twist-filled script, writer John Ostrander’s take on a Diana-Punisher family is one that fans should enjoy exploring. This storyline’s best element is the tag team chemistry between Diana (who utilizes an Artemis-like bow & quiver) and a nihilistic Trevor Castle. A possible re-kindling of their romance is a well-played sub-plot. The only big detriment is an implausible finale – suffice to say, this particular twist rings hollow.
Still, Ostrander’s inventive plotting and uncomplicated use of the Amalgam concept will keep readers tuned in. Bullets and Bracelets # 1 rates among the best Amalgam stories, as it mostly delivers the necessary goods.