In 2010, Mattel released the Justice Society’s Ted “Wildcat” Grant for Wave 9 of its DC Universe Classics series. His figure is in 6-inch form. His dark blue and gray costume is completely painted on (including his trademark boxer-style wrapped fists). His articulation points are: 1. His head swivels slightly both directions. 2. With surprisingly good mobility, his arms and wrists can also both do complete 360-degree rotations. 3. His torso allows him to bend forward and backwards. He can also spin his upper body or lower body a full 360-degrees at the torso. 4. His nimble legs can spread out and will bend at the knees and ankles. His lower legs swivel a full 360-degrees from a spot between the quads and kneecaps. 5. The bottom of his feet have peg holes for any display stands he might fit on, though none are included with the figure. Also, if properly positioned, Wildcat can indefinitely retain a standing display pose.
Kudos to Mattel for crafting such an impressively-built figure, including the well-articulated cat mask. Quite simply, there isn’t a fault with this surprisingly limber Wildcat. He’s a perfect fit for either play time punching out cheap hoodlums or for the display case. Everything a collector (including a top-caliber paint job) could want with this figure is here.
For the ‘Build-a-Chemo’ figure, Wildcat comes packed with the head-chest component.
Mattel does a terrific job packaging Wildcat.