Released in 1998 by Toy Biz, this nearly 5.75-inch Thunderbird figure is likely the first to represent John Proudstar in his classic X-Men uniform.
Reflecting his Native American heritage, Thunderbird’s red and-blue costume is painted with remarkable detail. His red sleeve and boot tassels are tightly-secured plastic attachments. The same can be said of the pair of white-and-black rubber feathers attached to his headband. As such, the character’s appearance is faithfully rendered. The figure’s articulation consists of: 1. His head swivels left and right. 2. Aided by strong elbow joints, his rotating arms have surprisingly good mobility. 3. The waist swivels a full 360-degrees. 5. Aided by good knee and ankle joints, his legs have only adequate mobility. 6. When positioned, this Thunderbird figure stands indefinitely for display poses.
Even it doesn’t match the production quality of a contemporary Marvel Legend, this competently-built figure is still good (including the likable paint job). For fans of the original Thunderbird, this figure makes a nice display option.
The bottom of the figure’s boots have display base peg holes, but there isn’t any indication that the figure came with a base. Also, his right hand is sculpted, as if to potentially hold some unknown weapon accessory.
When purchased via auction, this loose figure came only in a sealed transparent plastic baggie. Otherwise, whatever packaging Toy Biz may have included is unknown.