Comic Books & Graphic Novels DC Comics

JLA: SCARY MONSTERS # 4 (2003 DC Comics)

Written by Chris Claremont

Art by Joshua Hood; Sean Parsons; Jack Morelli; & Guy Major

Cover Art by Art Adams & Guy Major


Released by DC Comics for August 2003, the fourth installment for this six-part mini-series is entitled “Super Freaks.”  With each resurgence, the relentless demonic invasion keeping coming back stronger and for longer durations.  The League realizes that severe cold is their best weapon, but the demonic link to mortal Kishana Lewis remains an enigma.  Martian Manhunter draws closer to the pivotal answer.  A still-mutating Wonder Woman inspires the League’s desperate counter-strike.  The invasion’s mole makes its move, as the seemingly impregnable resort is breached.     


Up front, as with the first three issues, writer Chris Claremont effectively fuses the JLA with a Stephen King or Dean Koontz-style concept.  The problem, however, is that Claremont spends far too much time during Issues # 3-5 re-spinning the same tantalizing plot twists without progressing the story much – i.e. the JLA keep reviewing the same basic details they already know.  Much like the JLA is fighting to buy more time against their foe, Claremont does the same in this issue to readers.  In other words, the suspense-packed Scary Monsters should have been a taut five-issue adventure vs. risking a bloated half-dozen issues.  Still, Claremont’s intelligent storytelling can’t be denied.  

Earning excellent marks for consistency, this art squad’s visuals remain high-caliber.  It’s inexplicable, as of this writing, why JLA: Scary Monsters hasn’t merited a compilation hardcover/trade paperback from DC Comics.  Holding up exceptionally well years later, it’s definitely due for re-discovery.    


Written by a supposed ‘mole,’ the “DC in Demand” column includes thumbnail cover reveals for: Outsiders # 1; Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity # 1; Birds of Prey # 56; The Demon: Drive Out # 1; and Green Arrow: Sounds of Violence.

BRIAN’S ODD MOON RATING:                    7 Stars

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