Directed by Jake Castorena, this episode first aired in the U.S. on May 27, 2017. Pursuing a snarky Killer Frost into Gotham City, Firestorm becomes smitten with his icy nemesis, as she eludes him. Simultaneously, Batman’s failure thwarting Mr. Freeze’s latest scheme results in the Dark Knight saving himself from certain death.
Despite her enthusiasm for a team-up, Killer Frost is double-crossed by Mr. Freeze, as he forcibly uses her to power an ice weapon-armed airship. It’s up to Batman & a wildly enthusiastic Firestorm to save Gotham from a frozen fate and rescue Killer Frost from Freeze’s clutches.
Batman: Kevin Conroy
Professor Martin Stein: Stephen Tobolowsky
Firestorm: P.J. Byrne
Killer Frost: Mena Suvari
Mr. Freeze: Peter Stormare
Note: For whatever reason, data re: official episode numbers and original air dates for this series vary depending upon its source, so such info should really be taken as a best guess.
It’s reminiscent of a Brave and The Bold comic book team-up from the mid-1980’s, but this story enjoys a terrific contemporary spin. Mena Suvari’s feisty take on a hip Killer Frost (reminiscent of Catwoman’s personality) provides some great chemistry with P.J. Byrne and Stephen Tobolowsky voicing Firestorm’s dual personas. Anchoring this story is an entertaining business-as-usual Batman vs. Mr. Freeze caper that voice actors Kevin Conroy and Peter Stormare carry out to perfection.
The usually chintzy animation, which gives Justice League Action its distinctive web series-like look, looks pretty good for this episode. Considering the target audience is the undemanding age 10-and-under crowd, even adult fans can appreciate this well-played adventure.
Note: This episode is on the Justice League Action: Superpowers United! 2-disc DVD set (which collects the first half of the series).