Directed by Jake Castorena, this episode first aired in the U.S. on August 26, 2017. The Joker’s hijinks break out Lex Luthor out of prison seemingly for a day of fun-and-games. Of course, the League’s hot pursuit around the globe adds to their nefarious playtime with a stolen ‘mother box’ teleporter. Once the Joker’s devastating true scheme is revealed, the League may need help from an unexpected source.
Joker: Mark Hamill
Batman: Kevin Conroy
Lex Luthor: James Woods
Wonder Woman: Rachel Kimsey
Superman: Jason J. Lewis
Flash: Charlie Schlatter
Karen (Prison Guard): Uncredited
Big Belly Drive-Thru Employee: Uncredited
Notes: Zatanna Zatara, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Ace the Bat-Hound, and Krypto all appear in non-speaking cameos. Also, for whatever reason, data re: official episode numbers and original air dates for this series vary depending upon its source, so such info should really be taken as a best guess.
Once more, the episode’s premise is well-played for laughs until the right moment unleashes a battle-oriented climax. Anchoring the storyline are top-caliber efforts from Mark Hamill and James Woods vocalizing the world’s two most dangerous villains. Beyond a look inside Luthor’s secret base, the effective use of several Justice Leaguers (even in cameo appearances) is the episode’s main asset.
Further, as with Episode 36: “Superman Red vs. Superman Blue,” Woods poignantly conveys one of Luthor’s best-ever animated scenes in this episode’s climax. Accordingly, writer Paul Dini’s witty script really isn’t hampered by the series’ chintzy animation. Though “Best Day Ever” isn’t necessarily a ‘Top Five’ prospect re: Justice League Action, it’s still a pretty entertaining caper for all ages.
Note: This episode is on the Justice League Action: Battles from Beyond! 2-disc DVD set (which collects the series’ second half).