Books & Novels Children's Books Fantasy, Horror, & Science Fiction HARRY POTTER-Related Movies & Television (Books)


Written by Scholastic Inc.


Released in 2016 in conjunction with Warner Bros. Entertainment, this 64-page hardcover highlight reel depicts Emma Watson’s Hermione Granger throughout her eight movie appearances.  Including descriptions of Hermione‘s personality traits, her ‘biography’ is separated into five chapters: Film Beginnings (page 4); Life at Hogwarts (page 10); Family, Friends, and Foes (page 26); Cleverest Moments (page 40); and Fighting Dark Forces (page 56).  Alternating between simplistic text and some of her best quotes, this guide is meant as a keepsake for Hermione’s fan base, regardless of age.  

Note: Scholastic Inc. also released a similar Harry Potter: Cinematic Guide hardcover in 2016.


Describing itself as her “essential film companion,” this elegant book assembles an impressive collection of film stills that wonderfully brings this endearing sorceress to life.  Even if this guide’s text is geared strictly for the ten-and-under crowd, the book itself proves a delight.  In a fitting conclusion, Ron Weasley’s insightful quote best summarizes his best friend and future bride: “We wouldn’t last two days without her.”    

BRIAN’S ODD MOON RATING:                               9 Stars

By oddmoonmediareviews


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October 2020