In 2004, Columbia Pictures released director Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2, theatrically and later to DVD. Peter Parker’s (Maguire) dual identity as Spider-Man continues to provoke multiple crises simultaneously. Coping with his beloved Mary Jane’s (Dunst) imminent nuptials to celebrity astronaut John Jameson (Gilles), Peter experiences slow-brewing tension with best friend Harry Obsorn (Franco), who already blames Spider-Man for his father’s death.
Above all, a freak accident sets in motion a deadly feud pitting Spidey against Peter’s former mentor, Dr. Otto Octavius (Molina), soon to be publicly known as the monstrous Doctor Octopus.
Peter Parker / Spider-Man: Tobey Maguire
Mary Jane Watson: Kirsten Dunst
Dr. Otto Octavius / Doctor Octopus: Alfred Molina
Harry Osborn: James Franco
Aunt May Parker: Rosemary Harris
John Jameson: Daniel Gilles
J. Jonah Jameson: J.K. Simmons
Dr. Curt Connors: Dylan Baker
Robbie Robertson: Bill Nunn
Betty Brant: Elizabeth Banks
Norman Osborn / Green Goblin (flashback): Willem Dafoe
Uncle Ben Parker (flashback): Cliff Robertson
Notes: This title is also available in Blu-Ray, including as part of various combo packages, and as a digital purchase. Both Maguire & Molina reprise their roles in 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home.
The film deserves its reputation as the best of Maguire & Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, as its surefire creative content (including Danny Elfman’s instrumental score) is balanced by top-caliber special effects. The only caveats would be: first, too many maskless scenes to spell out Maguire’s facial reactions as Spider Man, which should leave Peter’s secret identity fair game to the public; and, secondly, one can cite the ludicrous runaway subway train sequence as a prime example of going ‘maskless’ in public.
Risking a plot credibility-killer, Maguire’s Spider-Man demonstrates a desperate burst of Superman or Hulk-caliber strength when, logically, his arms should have been ripped off. All super-hero fantasies aside, this subway scene should have been reworked, so an unmasked Spider-Man’s powers (not to mention, his secret identity) could still be grounded in some semblance of sci-fi reality. Still, the sequences before and after the subway rescue demonstrate Raimi’s Spider-storytelling at its best.
Though the movie misses the original film’s supplemental rock tunes, composer Elfman continues his Spider-Man repertoire to flawlessly narrate Raimi’s plot. With Maguire and the ensemble cast in vintage form, Spider-Man 2 sets an impressive bar for excellence that even Tom Holland’s Spider-Man films are challenged to live up to.
Available languages are English, French 51. (Dolby Digital), and Spanish (Dolby Surround), as each of them has applicable subtitles. Disc 1’s extras consist of: commentaries from Maguire, Raimi, and producers Avi Arad & Grant Curtis; a technical commentary; blooper reel; a ‘Spidey Sense 2’ pop-up trivia track; Train’s “Ordinary” music video; four ‘web-i-sode’ featurettes hyping the film’s theatrical release; and some obligatory trailers.
The more extensive Disc 2 adds various documentaries and featurettes. Specifically, they are:
- “Making the Amazing” – a 12-part step-by-step evolution revealing the film’s production through to its premiere.
- “Hero in Crisis” explores new problems for Maguire’s Peter Parker/Spider-Man.
- “Eight Arms to Hold You” ock-umkentary explains how Molina’s Dr. Octopus was translated from comics to live-action.
- “Interwoven: The Women of Spider-Women” is self-explanatory.
- “Enter the Web” is a close-up of behind-the-scenes work filming the ‘Pier’ sequence.
- an Alex Ross concept art gallery used for the opening credits.
- “Spider-Man 2: Spinning the Game” hypes Activision’s video game tie-in.
- various weblinks.
Each disc has a separate casing. As indicated on the case, the contents are accurately advertised.