Released in late 2018 by The Manhattan Toy Company as merchandise tying into The Grinch animated film is this holiday dynamic duo. At 1.5 feet tall (to the tip of his Santa hat), the Grinch is accompanied by a 7-inch Max (to the tip of his single yellow felt antler). The Santa Grinch is made of polyester fiber with polyethylene pellets inside while the attached Max is also made from polyester fiber.
With both sporting excellent likenesses, this two-for-one plushie is mostly all good. Grinch’s Santa hat and Max’s red ribbon-tied antler add an extra classy touch. Unlike the Santa Grinch’s stitched grin, Max is curiously missing a mouth. One would have to peer closely to even see Max’s stitched smile, as it blends far too much into his brown ‘fur.’ Perhaps this adorable duo’s best element is how the Grinch’s arm is lovingly wrapped around his faithful pooch. As a light-hearted yuletide treat for Grinch fans, this pairing make for a fun Christmas decoration.