Comic Books & Graphic Novels DC Comics

THE FLASH (WALLY WEST) # 102 (1995 DC Comics)

Written by Mark Waid & Michael Jan Friedman.

Art by Oscar Jimenez; José Marzan, Jr.; Gaspar Saladino; & Tom McCraw.

Cover Art by Oscar Jimenez & José Marzan, Jr.


Entitled “Running Away,” DC Comics released this issue for June 1995.  Moving into a new home together, Wally West is bewildered by girlfriend Linda Park’s icy mood.  Ever so gladly, he storms into action against the alien behemoth, Mongul, who is rampaging through Keystone City.  Considering his monstrous foe has previously held Superman and Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern at bay, Wally relies upon his new Speed Force capabilities to confound Mongul. 

Meanwhile, Linda’s abrupt departure leaves the Flash with a new mystery.     


Plotting-wise, it is derivative of a familiar Spider-Man scenario where a non-stop wisecracking Spidey takes down a Thor-caliber baddie (i.e., Juggernaut or The Wrecker) in relatively short order.  Hence, after battling Thor to a standstill, said villain suffers a major credibility hit once Spider-Man easily defeats him.  Meanwhile, Spidey is dealing with an ongoing domestic spate with Mary Jane (or even Aunt May) at home.  That is practically Wally West’s The Flash # 102 in a nutshell. 

While co-writers Mark Waid and Michael Jan Friedman ensure Wally’s high-octane offense/defense is fun to read, there is no mistaking how formulaic their script is.  As for the artwork, several pages reach this series’ standard visual muster.  That becomes a dubious asset, however, when just as many other pages weakly hover between mediocre and simply sub-par. 

There are two practical reasons for fans to seek The Flash # 102: A. It is prime evidence that Wally’s early-to-mid-90’s persona had long since eclipsed Firestorm as DC’s energetic, young Justice Leaguer competing for Spider-Man’s fanbase; and/or B. the cover image catches one’s eye in the bargain bin.  Either way, this underwhelming issue falls well short of must-have status.        


There is a two-page “Speed Reading” letters-and-answers column.  

BRIAN’S ODD MOON RATING:                  4½ Stars

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