Comic Books & Graphic Novels DC Comics

SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL # 20 (1993 DC Comics)

Written by Louise Simonson.

Art by Jon Bogdanove; Dennis Janke; Bill Oakley; & Glenn Whitmore.

Cover Art by Jon Bogdanove & Dennis Janke.


Released by DC Comics for February 1993, Part 3 of “Funeral for a Friend” is entitled “Funeral Day.”  Overseen by Lex Luthor (secretly posing as his far younger fictional son), Superman’s high-profile Metropolis funeral procession is guarded by the Justice League’s extended ranks.  Intervening against potential saboteurs in the crowd-lined streets, the League’s pensive mood is mirrored by others in Superman’s family, friends, and Daily Planet colleagues. 

Among them is a devastated Lois Lane reaching out to the grieving Kents in Smallville – especially, as to the truth behind Clark Kent’s missing-in-action status. Guest stars with extended cameos include: Wonder Woman; Batman & Robin, Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern; Lobo; and then-U.S. President Bill Clinton & then-First Lady Hillary Clinton.

Note: “Funeral for a Friend” is a twelve-part storyline spread through DC’s interlocking Superman titles.


Despite Louise Simonson’s effort to convey a poignant tale, the blah result still comes off as DC Comics prolonging the ‘Death of Superman’ event for every possible cent.  Further, the art squad’s lackluster visuals do not provide a sufficient incentive to bother tracking this back issue down. 

A more satisfying read is this storyline’s next installment: the Christmas Eve-themed Superman # 76 entitled “Metropolis Mailbag.”  


There is a two-page letters-and-answers section.  

BRIAN’S ODD MOON RATING:                             5 Stars

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